Saturday, June 23, 2007

Squidoo Lenses

A great affiliate marketing tool is to create squidoo lenses. Google has been favoring lenses in their results. Besides getting a share of squidoo profits you can also put links to your favorite affiliate sites in a module to earn commissions.

In order to start getting traffic and making money from squidoo it is important to get a high lensrank. The top 100 lenses recieve the most traffic. Here are some tips to get a higher lensrank and search engine rank for your lens.

1. Update your lens daily with new content

2. Join groups on squidoo. This will generate links and direct traffic.

3. Get links from other sites to your lens. The link text should be what word or phrase you want your lens to rank high for. You can get free links by blogging, participating in forums and by writing articles and submitting them to article directories such as

4. Create usefull and quality content on your lens. Better content will get you better ratings by other lensmasters. Good ratings are important to getting a higher lensrank.So to summarize the 3 most important things about creating a successfull lens with a lot of traffic are links, frequent updates and good ratings from other squidoo lensmasters.I recommend reading Squidoo Blue Print if you want to learn more.

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